THE BACHELORETTE - "Episode 608" - The stakes are high as Ali returns to the U.S. from her exciting world tour for an emotionally charged journey across the country to visit Roberto, Chris L., Kirk and Frank in their hometowns. Her bonds are growing stronger with these men, but she is severely tested by some of the families. Just how ready are these bachelors for marriage? Ali is about to find out from the people who know them best, and in a heartbreaking turn, she must send one man home, on "The Bachelorette," MONDAY, JULY 12 (8:00-10:02 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/RICK ROWELL)ROSES 
單身貴族(The BachelorThe Bachelorette)是一個約會伴侶的徵婚遊戲節目。這個愛情遊戲系列於二零零二年在花旗國廣播公司(American Broadcasting Company,簡稱ABC)首播。節目播出以後,一直深受女性觀衆歡迎。截止本年度計算,單身貴族已經播放了第十五季的鑽石王老五求婚系列和第六季的單身美人徵婚系列。



 THE BACHELOR - Brad Womack (pictured) - once considered by many to be the
Emily  Chantal

 THE BACHELORETTE - Ali Fedotowsky (pictured) has finally decided to risk it all for love. The energetic and charismatic career-oriented woman from San Francisco has re-prioritized her life - and now love comes out on top. She will have her own opportunity to find her soul mate when she stars in the sixth edition of
THE BACHELORETTE - "Episode 608" - The stakes are high as Ali returns to the U.S. from her exciting world tour for an emotionally charged journey across the country to visit Roberto, Chris L., Kirk and Frank in their hometowns. Her bonds are growing stronger with these men, but she is severely tested by some of the families. Just how ready are these bachelors for marriage? Ali is about to find out from the people who know them best, and in a heartbreaking turn, she must send one man home, on "The Bachelorette," MONDAY, JULY 12 (8:00-10:02 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/RICK ROWELL) ROBERTO, PHILIP, FRANK, ALI FEDOTOWSKY
Photo Photo




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